Image: Amy Walker ‘Roberto Zucco’. L to R: Michael F Cahill, Matthew Molony, Elizabeth Thomson, David Kambouris, Alice Bishop, Belinda Misevski
Le poulet terrible (or the terrible chicken) are a company of old friends. Our first production was Tartuffe by Moliére in 1997. We were looking for a name for the company that we thought Moliére might approve of. We’ll never know if he approves or not.
We’re OK with that.
I SHOT MUSSOLINI by Alice Bishop, produced by La Mama and le poulet terrible, 2019 Directed and Designed by Alice Bishop.
Rome 1926. The Honourable Violet Gibson tries to assassinate Benito Mussolini. She misses. Mussolini puts a bandage on his nose and carries on with his plans for dictatorship. Another 2 inches to the right and Violet would have changed the entire sweep of world history. The true story of an eccentric Irishwoman who wanted to kill Mussolini and the Italian policeman who wanted to find out why. Based in part on Richard Collins’ manuscript The Irish Baron’s Daughter and Mussolini’s Nose.
Heather Lythe as Violet and Greg Parker as Pennetta in I Shot Mussolini. Image by Renan Goksin
‘I Shot Mussolini is a wonderfully written and expertly crafted piece of theatre and if you want to see the best artists doing their best work, this is the show to go to. This is how you make theatre.’ Samsara, What Did She Think
‘How an Irishwoman from a wealthy, prominent family came to shoot Mussolini in 1926 remains an enduring mystery, and Alice Bishop's play tantalises with the possibilities. The central antagonism is brooding and finely etched. An intriguing drama based on a true crime.’ Cameron Woodhead, The Age
‘Bishop is a master of dialogue and the play flows beautifully between drama and comedy.’ ‘This show feels cinematic…one could easily forget they are in a cramped theatre.’ Irene Bell, The Music
’Bishop has written and lively and surprisingly funny script despite the serious subject and the ominous overtones which make watching I Shot Mussolini a great night of theatre. Her direction is also light, clever and confident.’
Samsara, What did She Think
Cast: Matthew Molony, Michael F Cahill, Greg Parker, Bridgette Burton, Sophie Lampel, Marco Lawrence, Anthea Davis, Heather Lythe. Stage Manager Hayley Fox, Lighting Design Stellios Karagiannis, Projection Design Salvador Castro, Associate Producer Isobel Ferns.
ROBERTO ZUCCO by Bernard Marie Koltès. Directed and designed by Alice Bishop. Produced in association with La Mama and Alliance Française de Melbourne as a special event at Alliance Française, 2016.
‘Killers never do look like killers. Killers go for quiet little strolls in the crowd just like you and me.’ Koltès
Ben Schumann as Roberto Zucco. Photo Amy Walker
‘A thrilling show that had me spellbound.’ Toorak Times
‘The production excels at clawing into provocative satire of sexual politics, and has a knack for capturing the play's deflationary humour.’ Roberto Zucco, Cameron Woodhead, SMH
‘Strong performances and striking staging. Interesting and innovative use of the performance space also adds to the fine quality of this production.’ Patricia Di Risio, Stage Whispers
Cast: David Kambouris, Michael F. Cahill, Elizabeth Thomson, Ben Schumann, Emina Ashman, Belinda Misevski, Alice Bishop. Spatial Designer Efterpi Soropos. Stage Manager Clare Noone. Sound Designer Nat Grant. Costumier Alice Bishop. Archive Film Simon Imberger.
NIL, CAT & BURIED by Stephen Sewell. Adapted and directed by Alice Bishop. Three stories of love, sex, violence, and horror by one of Australia’s finest and most provocative playwrights. Produced in association with The Dog Theatre and La Mama, 2010.
‘When you look into someone’s eyes and you can’t see anyone looking back, that’s when your skin really starts to crawl.’ Sewell
Natalie Carr and David Kambouris as Nick and Candy. Photo Alice Bishop
Cast: Richard Cawthorne, Natalie Carr, Michael F. Cahill, Elizabeth Thomson. Cello - Biddy Connor. Lighting Design by Isobel Ferns. Designed by Sian Blohm.
THE DOCTOR IN SPITE OF HIMSELF by Molière Translated, directed, and costume design by Alice Bishop. Produced in association with The Dog Theatre 2009.
Elizabeth Thomson as Jaqueline, Isobel Ferns as Lucinde, Matthew Molony as Geronte
Cast: Michael F. Cahill, Natalie Carr, David Kambouris, Isobel Ferns, Matthew Molony, Elizabeth Thomson. Designer Sian Blohm, Choreographer Peta Coy, Stage Manager Rosie Collins.
‘Great ideas, staging and direction – The Doctor entertains.’ Kim Zoe Evans, Arts Hub
‘Je suis allée voir le spectacle hier soir avec un groupe d’amis et on a tous ADORE !!! On a bien rigolé. Bravo! Félicitations!’ Audience member
THE RUFFIAN ON THE STAIR by Joe Orton Director and Costume Designer Alice Bishop. Produced in association with The Dog Theatre 2008
Natalie Carr as Joyce, Michael F. Cahill as Mike. Image Sian Blohm
Mike – ‘I’m to be at King’s Cross station at eleven. I’m meeting a man in the toilet.’ Joyce – ‘You always go to such interesting places.’ Orton
Cast: Michael F. Cahill, Natalie Carr, Matthew Molony. Designer Sian Blohm. Lighting Designer Isobel Ferns. Stage Manager Rosie Collins
‘Under Alice Bishop’s careful direction, (The Ruffian on the Stair) is an entertaining study of Orton’s underbelly of 1960s British suburban society.’ Martin Ball, The Age.
‘…This is a play with some great dark humour and two outstanding lead performances, and under the direction of Alice Bishop, it turns the mundane into the intriguing.’ Penelope Broadbent, Australian Stage
TARTUFFE by Molière Directed and designed by Alice Bishop. Costumes by Alice Bishop. Co produced by Napier St Theatre 1997. Regional tour supported by the Geelong Courthouse Project.
Cast: Greg Parker, Matthew Molony, Felicity Menadue, Alice Bishop. Lawrence Mooney, Christine Davey, Emily Westmore, John Sheedy, Elizabeth Thomson. Designer Mark Minty. Lighting Designer Richard Vabre. Producer Emily Westmore. Lighting Operator Michele Fawkes.